How Do I Match My Face Shape to My Glasses?


Glasses not only have the function of correcting various refractive errors, but also have the function of decorating and covering facial defects. For example, a face with a long nose can choose a frame with a suitable nose bridge, and the nose will not look so long after wearing it. Wearing glasses with dark wide-rimmed frames can hide or cover defects such as drooping eyelids and facial scars, and play a dual effect of correction and beauty. So you must learn to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. There will always be a pair of glasses that suits you, and you will also shine with your own brilliance when wearing it.
Sunglasses Suite You

Ideas for Selecting and Matching Sunglasses

The Frame Matches the Face Shape

To achieve the best dressing effect, you must first understand what kind of face shape is suitable for what kind of frames
(1) Face shape classification: Generally, the shape of the face can be roughly divided into long, square, round and pointed
(2) Frame classification and its characteristics:
Round type: moderate, gentle, and bookish
Oval type: smooth lines, implicit and restrained, suitable for quiet and ladylike girls
Square type: classic shape, generous and decent, suitable for steady men and capable women, in line with the neutral trend
Polygonal type: diamond hexagonal and octagonal types derived from square frames, fashionable and avant-garde, suitable for the new generation
Double-beam crooked pear type, commonly known as frog glasses, was popular all over the world in the 1970s, catering to the retro trend of the 21st century, and suitable for people with a keen sense of fashion.
There is no strict division between square and round frames. The neutral style of “square with round, round with square” is suitable for all ages.

Tips for Matching Face Shape and Frames

Oval Face Shape - suitable for frames of various shapes

Oval face shape is also called oval face shape, which is a beautiful face shape that conforms to the aesthetic standards of Oriental people. If you have such a face shape, congratulations, you can wear any frame. You just need to pay attention to the size of the frame should be proportional to the size of the face. Especially for female oval face shape, it is suitable to choose any style of frame, but it is best not to choose straight-line frames, that is, frames that are too high or too flat.

Round Face Shape - suitable for slender or square frames or pear-shaped frames

People with round faces have shorter faces, so it is best to match them with slender frames with slight curves to harmonize the overall sense. Angular and square frames are conducive to modifying facial lines (highlighting vertical lines). This can highlight the strengths and avoid the weaknesses, making your face look more contoured and energetic!

Men with round faces: It is advisable to choose flat or pear-shaped frames, and it is not advisable to choose frames that are too round or too square.

Female round face: In principle, avoid choosing any frames with very obvious features. It is better to choose frames that are slightly flat and slightly curved, and not too round or straight.

Small Face

Square Face - suitable for round frames

People with square faces have wider cheeks and shorter faces, which makes them look strong. In order to soften the facial lines, choosing a slightly curved frame can make the face look softer and soften the wide cheeks. And you should choose a frame that is slightly wider than the face shape, which will make the face look slightly slender.

Rectangular Face - suitable for rectangular frames

Because the face is long, the frame should cover as much of the face as possible, and choose a thick frame to reduce the impression of a long face.

Male rectangular face: It is better to choose a frame with a longer frame height, such as a large frame that is close to a square shape.

Women with rectangular faces: It is advisable to choose frames with angular shapes that are close to squares, and the height of the frame can be higher to neutralize the overly long face shape.

Oval Face Shape - suitable for oval thin-frame glasses

It should be said that people with oval faces are naturally gifted and can wear a variety of glasses, and frames with thin frames and vertical lines are the most suitable.

Men with oval faces: It is advisable to choose frames with narrower frames at the bottom than at the top, and generally do not choose flat frames.

Women with oval faces: It is advisable to choose glasses with narrower frames at the bottom than at the top, with a small height and upturned style, to increase the visual length of the face.

Principles for Matching Glasses with Different Skin Colors

Generally, people with lighter skin colors are best to choose lighter frames, such as soft pink, tortoise shell colors or gold and silver frames; those with darker skin colors should choose darker frames, such as red, black or tortoise shell colors.

Sunglasses with Different Color Skin

Principles of Matching Glasses for Different Occasions

It is very important to choose a pair of glasses that suits your personality and the occasion. Generally speaking, glasses with smaller frames and exquisite styles are suitable for formal occasions, which are both elegant and convenient for work; for leisure, parties and other occasions, it is appropriate to choose glasses that pay more attention to personality and fashion.






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